
Treatment Manager - Generating Remaining Benefits List & Labels

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Instructions for printing a report that lists all customers with a treatment plan whose benefits are expiring soon (so they can utilize remaining benefits before they expire).


Steps to list patients with treatment plans, filtered to only get those whose insurance benefits renew/expire in a given month:
  1. Open Appointment Book.
  2. Click the Treatment Manager button on the toolbar, or find the Treatment Manager under the Options menu.

  3. When the Treatment Manager View dialog box is displayed (initially or from the View Setup menu item within the Dentrix Treatment Manager), select at minimum the following filters:
    - Insurance Coverage: Primary
    - For Patients with Primary Dental Insurance, Benefit Renewal From (month) to (month)
    - Min Benefit Rem: The lowest amount of insurance benefits remaining that you are comfortable searching for. ($0.01 or more)
    - Min TP Total: The lowest amount of treatment plan production dollars that you are comfortable searching for. ($0.01 or more)
    Other options may also be used for more filtering. Note: for Insurance Coverage, Primary is selected to get only patients that have primary insurance; for Min TP Total, .01 is entered to only get patients that have a treatment plan; and for Primary Dental Insurance, Benefit Renewal, March is used for the example. For the Benefit Renewal month range, numbers may be entered for the month.

  4. Be sure to click the Show Columns button to select the information to include in the list. The following columns are used for example.

  5. When OK is clicked from the Treatment Manager View dialog box, the following list is an example (the treatment plan dates are a little old in the example).

  6. If a list for secondary insurance is wanted, the following options may be used.

  7. This is an example list for secondary insurance:

  8. The report and labels can be printed by clicking the Print button on the toolbar.
For more information on generating letters for patients with remaining benefits, click here. 
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Treatment Manager - Generating Remaining Benefits List & Labels

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