
How Dentrix Reports Are Affected By The Fiscal Year Number

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Which Reports are affected by the Fiscal Year, as entered into the Fiscal Year field (Office Manager Maintenance Practice Resource Setup Edit)?

Click here to go to the 'All About the Year End Process in Dentrix' article.

The “Fiscal Year’s beginning month” setting in Practice Resource Setup affects all (or most) reports in the Office Manager that display a YTD figure.  Some of these reports include the following:
 - Daysheet
 - Analysis Summary
 - Provider A/R Totals
 - Practice Analysis (displayed/printed)

There are a few reports that run based on Calendar Year as listed below:
(Although these reports displays YTD figures, they are not affected by the “Fiscal Year” setting)
 - Family Ledger Report (Office Manager).
 - All Practice Assistant reports

Also, it should be noted that the Day Sheet and Practice Analysis (as would probably be expected) require that the database be current (with close month) in order to show the correct YTD totals.  So, for example, although the user may have set a specific month (like “8”) in the Fiscal Year field…if they are not current in closing their months, the YTD figures will not be accurate (according to the specified Fiscal year) on the Daysheet and Practice Analysis. 
Other reports such as Analysis Summary and Provider A/R Totals do not rely on close month being current in order to reflect the correct YTD (based on the Fiscal Year setting).

NOTE:  The following explanations regarding the Fiscal Year and how it affects reports were copied/pasted from the DENTRIX User Guide:

'YTD: Displays Year-to-Date figures. The beginning month for the year is determined by the fiscal year in the Practice Resource Setup. The default is the current Year-to-Date. By unchecking the “Current” box, you have the option to choose YTD figures as of any previous month.'

'YTD: Year-to-Date works the same as a cutoff date. For example, by selecting 8/04 as the YTD date, only data stored from the Practice Fiscal Year month to 8/04 will be displayed on the screen. (The Practice Fiscal year beginning month is entered in the Practice Information dialog box.) Selecting the Current check box defaults all data from fiscal year beginning month to the current system date.'

Keywords:  what is the fiscal year for affect effect effected how does it calculate and where is it used in dentrix

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How Dentrix Reports Are Affected By The Fiscal Year Number

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