
Year-End Reports In Dentrix

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Reports to run for Year End.
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The only difference between year and month end reports is the “Selected date range.”  Below is a list and brief description of some reports which you can generate at the end of the fiscal year.  

  • Practice Advisor Report (Office Manager Analysis Practice Advisor) 
    • With this report, you can assess the overall financial health of your practice with month-to-date and year-to-date statistics for collections, continuing care, new patients, production, and schedule management. The Practice Advisor shows you where you have reached or exceeded goals and where improvements need to be made. This report provides statistics for the practice as a whole and for each dentist and hygienist. Taking the recommendations provided in the report, you can use the other year-end reports (described below) to look at details regarding those shortfalls.  To run this report, in the Office Manager, from the Analysis menu, click Practice Advisor to open the Practice Advisor dialog box, and then click Practice Advisor Report.


  • Analysis Summary Report (Office Manager Reports Management Analysis Summary)
    • This report lists charges, payments, adjustments, and so forth. You can use this report to generate totals for a set date range, as well as daily breakdowns. You can also generate a detailed summary for each provider which includes MTD and YTD totals.


  • Practice Analysis Report (Office Manager Analysis Practice File Print Analysis)
    • You can only generate this report by Entry Date (the date a transaction or procedure was entered into the computer). This report shows four columns of figures, which are typically set at a RANGE for the current date, MTD-CUR, an average for the past three months (AVG), and YTD-CUR. You can rearrange these columns to suit the needs of your office by clicking Setup Analysis. This offers almost limitless combinations of information, broken down by charges, credits, insurance payments, and adjustments.


  • Production Summary Report (Office Manager Analysis Practice Reports)
    • This report allows you to generate a detailed list showing the total number of each procedure completed in the specified date range and the average charge for each. To generate this report, clear all options under Select Summary Reports except “Production Summary.” If a more general report is desired, leave the “By Category” option checked. The report groups the procedures by categories, such as Diagnostic, Preventive, and so forth. 


  • Adjustment Summary Report (Office Manager Analysis Practice Reports)
    • The Adjustment Summary Report provides detailed information, such as the number of times each adjustment type was used, and the total amount adjusted off during the selected date range.  


  • Payment Summary Report (Office Manager Analysis Practice Reports)
    • This is similar to the Adjustment Summary Report in that it provides a detailed summary of payments received. These may include Cash Payment, Credit Card Payment, and so forth. 


  • Patient Summary Report (Office Manager Analysis Practice Reports)
    • This is a demographic report that shows the total number of current patients, broken down by gender, age, insured, non-insured, and so forth.

Many offices also find it useful to print an Aging and Insurance Aging Report at the end of each year or month. Both of these reports can be found in the Office Manager Reports Ledger. 

Often patients request a print out of their Ledger for the previous year.  To print this, open the Office Manager Reports Ledger Family Ledger Report. Select the guarantor for the desired family. The First Transaction Date should be modified to show the first day of the year and the Report Date (at the top) should be the last day of the year. A Family Ledger Report can also be printed from the Ledger itself, but it is not possible to specify a date range.

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Year-End Reports In Dentrix

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